見出し1着任の挨拶(社外):My name is Taro Yamada and I am a new editor・・・

Self-introduction for the customers

〔英作文のポイント : My name is Taro Yamada and I am...〕

アメリカ人は転勤前の上司や同僚に「着任の挨拶メール」を送る習慣はありません。しかし、"My name is Taro Yamada and I am a new editor in Editorial Section of Eureka Publishing Co."のように転勤した支社の取引先に「着任の挨拶メール」を送ることはあります。

着任の挨拶(社外):My name is Taro Yamada and I am a new editor・・・のヘッダー

To: ○○ print Co. From: Taro Yamada<xxxxxx@xxxx.ne.jp> Date: Thursday, August 9, 2007 10:14 Subject: I am the new editor


Dear Mr. ○○, My name is Taro Yamada and I am a new editor in Editorial Section of Eureka Publishing Co. Please feel free to contact me anytime you need, I look forward to working with you. Sincerely yours, Taro Yamada