
Report of bad credit risk

〔英作文のポイント : XYZ Company as a credit risk〕

XYZ Company as a credit risk→与信リスクとしてのXYZ会社


To: ○○<xxxxx@xxxx.co.jp> From: Taro Yamada<xxxxxx@xxxx.com> Date: Monday, August 13, 2007 9:24 Subject: Report of credit risk


As requested, we are replying to your recent letter of query regarding XYZ Company as a credit risk. In all fairness to you, we regret that we cannot recommend this firm. Despite the fact that we granted generous credit privileges for one year, they did not meet their agreed upon obligations and were lax in their payment. Therefore, we withdrew these privileges and now will only do business on a cash basis. This is the only basis that we feel secure in dealing with XYZ Company. Sincerely, Taro Yamada