
Resignation due to health

〔英作文のポイント : must、have to〕

アメリカ英語には、主観的な義務を示すときには"must"を使い、客観的な義務を表すときには"have to"を使うという使い分けはありません。


To: ○○<xxxxx@xxxx.co.jp> From: Taro Yamada<xxxxxx@xxxx.com> Date: Monday, August 13, 2007 9:24 Subject: Resignation due to health


When I took the position at Bakuhatsu Enterprises, I never thought that I would be resigning so quickly. However, I must leave the position at the end of this month. My health and growing burdens have made it impossible to conduct this program. I only wish that I can continue to work for such a worthwhile company. Sincerely, Taro Yamada