- 英語が聞こえない方へ 暗記した英語しか聞こえない方へ。
- 英語が話せない方へ 書けないことは話せない。
- 英作文のためのアメリカ英文法備忘録 アメリカ英語で英文を書かなければならない人のための英文法。
- 英文ビジネスメールの文例集 100を超えるビジネス英文メールの文例集。

〔英作文のポイント : We are in receipt of your e-mail complaining...〕
利害関係が伴う英文メールにおいては、"We are in receipt of your e-mail complaining that your order for 500 pounds of high explosives and 800 automatic rifles was received in severely damaged condition."のように、最初に何について述べるかを明確にするのが基本です。
不良品の謝罪のヘッダー To: ○○<xxxxx@xxxx.co.jp>
From: Osamu Kosugi<xxxxxx@xxxx.com>
Date: Monday, August 13, 2007 9:24
Subject: Your damaged shipment
本文 Dear Mr. Yamada,
We are in receipt of your e-mail complaining that your order for 500 pounds of high explosives and 800 automatic rifles was received in severely damaged condition. We apologize for the inconvenience this has caused. Unfortunately, there is nothing we are able to do about it here. The shipment left our facility well packed and in good condition. The damage occurred in shipment and is the responsibility of the North Korean shipping line that transported your shipment to Afghanistan.
Fortunately, we fully insured the shipment. However, because you received it in damaged condition, you are the one who has to file a damage claim with the insurance carrier. The only insurance carrier we were able to find that would handle insuring this type of shipment is a North Korean company. You need to contact them to file your damage claim. The contact and insurance policy number are given below:
Puk Han Insurance
123 Great Leader Square
Pyongyang, People’s Democratic Republic of Korea
The policy number is 123456789 and the agent in charge is Mr. Kim. You can contact him at the following e-mail address:
I apologize for the inconvenience this problem has caused you.
Best regards,
Osamu Kosugi
Arms-N-Stuff Inc.
Rangoon, Burma
- 英文ビジネスメール文例集
- 求職
- 着任の挨拶
- 商談の問い合せと回答
- 問い合わせ
- 問い合わせへの返事
- 情報やサンプルへのお礼
- 情報提供後のフォローアップ
- 販促
- 業務提携の提案
- 提案への回答
- 提案の辞退
- 面会の約束
- 面会の辞退/変更
- 見積りの依頼
- 見積りの送付
- 注文
- 受注
- 注文の断り
- 商品配送についての交渉
- 商品発送の通知
- 代金の請求と催促
- 代金の請求と催促:You did not reply to our first reminder of your overdue account・・・
- 代金の請求と催促:Here is your second chance to pay these overdue invoices・・・
- 代金の請求と催促:we are inquiring if there is a reason for your delay in paying your overdue・・・
- 代金の請求と催促:Please check the following invoices that are past due・・・
- 代金の請求と催促:Is there a reason why you haven't paid・・・
- 代金の請求と催促:We cannot accept any further delay in paying・・・
- 代金の請求と催促:We have contacted you several times by letter and phone and have discussed arrangements for the payment・・・
- 代金の請求と催促:Despite the fact that you have ignored our previous reminders・・・
- 代金の支払い
- 契約に関する交渉
- 得意先企業の紹介
- 新商品/価格変更
- イベント
- 社屋の移転
- 人事異動
- キャンペーン
- 苦情
- 謝罪
- 求人
- 与信取引
- 取引が行われていない顧客への問い合わせ
- 勤務日数不足の通告
- 小切手の不渡り通知
- 誤配による送料の返金
- メーリング・リスト先へのフォローアップ
- 慈善事業の後援依頼への断り
- 慈善事業への寄付依頼への断り
- 病欠中の社員に代わっての返信
- 辞職
- 迅速な支払いへのお礼
- 勤務評定依頼への回答(良)
- 勤務評定依頼への回答(悪)
- ページTOP : 不良品の謝罪