

〔英作文のポイント : We won’t be hiring anyone for some time〕

未来において「一時的に~していない」と言うときは、"We won’t be hiring anyone for some time"のように、未来進行形を使います。


To:○○<xxxxx@xxxx.co.jp> From:Kazuyoshi Onaka<xxxxxx@xxxx.com> Date:Monday, August 13, 2007 9:24  Subject:Your e-mail inquiring about employment


Thank you for your e-mail inquiring about employment with Eureka Publishing, along with your attached resume. You are correct, we are not currently seeking new people. In fact, there are no positions available now. We won’t be hiring anyone for some time, as our business is relatively stable and our work force is not particularly mobile. We will keep your information on file and, should our needs change, we will let you know. We wish you the best of luck in your search for employment. Best regards, Kazuyoshi Onaka Manager, Human Resources Eureka Publishing Company