- 英語が聞こえない方へ 暗記した英語しか聞こえない方へ。
- 英語が話せない方へ 書けないことは話せない。
- 英作文のためのアメリカ英文法備忘録 アメリカ英語で英文を書かなければならない人のための英文法。
- 英文ビジネスメールの文例集 100を超えるビジネス英文メールの文例集。

- アメリカ英文法備忘録
- 品詞
- 基本文型
- be動詞
- 一般動詞
- 自動詞と他動詞
- 動詞の時制
- 受動態
- 命令文
- 感嘆文
- 名詞の用法
- 形容詞の用法
- 副詞の用法
- 冠詞の用法
- 接続詞の用法
- 前置詞の用法
- in, on, atの使い分け
- at school vs. in school
- 時を表す前置詞
- 場所を表す前置詞
- He studied physics at the university.
- Karen looked out the window.
- We were sitting around the campfire.
- the January before last
- I never work on the weekend.
- We met the spring of 2011.
- around the world vs. all around the world
- [正]in the room [誤]at the room
- [誤]He'll be here tomorrow from about seven o'clock.
- "on TV"と"on the TV"の違い
- stay at the hotel / stay in the hotel
- 動名詞の用法
- 不定詞の用法
- 助動詞の用法
- 疑問文/間接疑問文
- 代名詞の用法
- 関係詞の用法
- 比較
- 比較構文の種類
- 形容詞や副詞の比較級・最上級の作り方
- 形容詞・副詞の規則変化 – 比較級、最上級
- 比較級・最上級の作り方1【1音節の形容詞・副詞】
- 比較級・最上級の作り方2【語尾が"-e"】
- 比較級・最上級の作り方3【語尾が「短母音+子音字」】
- 比較級・最上級の作り方4【語尾が「子音字+y」】
- 比較級・最上級の作り方5【語尾が"–y"、"–le"、"–er"、"–ow"】
- 比較級・最上級の作り方6【語尾が–y,–le,–er,–owでないもの】
- 比較級・最上級の作り方7【語尾が-ful,-less,-ish,-ous】
- 比較級・最上級の作り方8【過去分詞や現在分詞の形をした形容詞】
- 比較級・最上級の作り方9【"a"で始まる形容詞、副詞】
- 比較級・最上級の作り方10【3音節以上の形容詞・副詞】
- 不規則変化
- 比較級・最上級がないもの
- 仮定法現在
- カンマ・スプライス
- 引用符
- 住所を表す前置詞
- 日付の用法
- 時刻の用法
- ページTOP : 関係代名詞の主格
関係代名詞 | 先行詞 |
who | 人・名前が付けられた動物 |
which | 名前が付けられていない動物・物 |
that | 名前が付けられていない動物・物・形容詞の最上級で修飾される人 |
[正]The boy who saved the little girl was praised.
[正]Pochi, who saved the little girl, was praised.
[誤]I saw a dog who was playing with a cat.
[?]I saw a dog which was playing with a cat.
[正]I saw a dog, which was playing with a cat.
[正]I saw a dog that was playing with a cat.
[正]The boy who came from America stayed at my home for three days.
[誤]The boy that came from America stayed at my home for three days.
[正]He is the kind of person that will never betray you.
[正]He is the kind of person who will never betray you.
[正]He is the tallest man that I've ever seen.
[誤]He is the tallest man who I've ever seen.
[正]He sat in the biggest chair that was in the house.
[誤]He sat in the biggest chair which was in the house.
・先行詞が人でも、"all"、"any(thing)"、"every(thing)"、"few"、"little"、"many" "much"、"no(thing)"、"none"、"some(thing)"などで修飾されると、"that"を使うことがある。
[正]He talked with all the people that came to the party?
[正]He talked with all the people who came to the party?
[正]I tried to sell it to any person who came to the shop.
[正]I tried to sell it to any person that came to the shop.
[正]He talked with everyone that came to the party?
[正]He talked with everyone who came to the party?
[正]The dog that was playing with a cat looked happy.
[誤]The dog, that was playing with a cat, looked happy.
[正]The dog, which was playing with a cat, looked happy.
- ⇒ 関係代名詞の所有格
- ⇒ 関係代名詞の目的格
- ⇒ 関係代名詞が前置詞の目的語になる場合
- ⇒ 関係代名詞"that"と"which"
- ⇒ I have a dog who plays Frisbee well.
- ⇒ [?]I saw a bird which was sitting on her hand.