- 英語が聞こえない方へ 暗記した英語しか聞こえない方へ。
- 英語が話せない方へ 書けないことは話せない。
- 英作文のためのアメリカ英文法備忘録 アメリカ英語で英文を書かなければならない人のための英文法。
- 英文ビジネスメールの文例集 100を超えるビジネス英文メールの文例集。

- アメリカ英文法備忘録
- 品詞
- 基本文型
- be動詞
- 一般動詞
- 自動詞と他動詞
- 動詞の時制
- 受動態
- 命令文
- 感嘆文
- 名詞の用法
- 形容詞の用法
- 副詞の用法
- 冠詞の用法
- 接続詞の用法
- 前置詞の用法
- in, on, atの使い分け
- at school vs. in school
- 時を表す前置詞
- 場所を表す前置詞
- He studied physics at the university.
- Karen looked out the window.
- We were sitting around the campfire.
- the January before last
- I never work on the weekend.
- We met the spring of 2011.
- around the world vs. all around the world
- [正]in the room [誤]at the room
- [誤]He'll be here tomorrow from about seven o'clock.
- "on TV"と"on the TV"の違い
- stay at the hotel / stay in the hotel
- 動名詞の用法
- 不定詞の用法
- 助動詞の用法
- 疑問文/間接疑問文
- 代名詞の用法
- 関係詞の用法
- 比較
- 比較構文の種類
- 形容詞や副詞の比較級・最上級の作り方
- 形容詞・副詞の規則変化 – 比較級、最上級
- 比較級・最上級の作り方1【1音節の形容詞・副詞】
- 比較級・最上級の作り方2【語尾が"-e"】
- 比較級・最上級の作り方3【語尾が「短母音+子音字」】
- 比較級・最上級の作り方4【語尾が「子音字+y」】
- 比較級・最上級の作り方5【語尾が"–y"、"–le"、"–er"、"–ow"】
- 比較級・最上級の作り方6【語尾が–y,–le,–er,–owでないもの】
- 比較級・最上級の作り方7【語尾が-ful,-less,-ish,-ous】
- 比較級・最上級の作り方8【過去分詞や現在分詞の形をした形容詞】
- 比較級・最上級の作り方9【"a"で始まる形容詞、副詞】
- 比較級・最上級の作り方10【3音節以上の形容詞・副詞】
- 不規則変化
- 比較級・最上級がないもの
- 仮定法現在
- カンマ・スプライス
- 引用符
- 住所を表す前置詞
- 日付の用法
- 時刻の用法
- ページTOP : "if"と"whether"の使い分け
【正】It is not clear whether you can help solve my problem.
【正】It is not clear if you can help solve my problem.
【正】We didn't know whether he was dead or alive.
【正】We didn't know if he was dead or alive.
【正】I doubt whether anyone will remember me.
【正】I doubt if anyone will remember me.
【正】I wonder whether you could help me.
【正】I wonder if you could help me.
【正】Whether you like it or not doesn't matter.
【誤】If you like it or not doesn't matter.
【正】It doesn't matter whether you like it or not
【正】It doesn't matter if you like it or not.
【正】Whether she comes tomorrow or not is what I want to know.
【誤】If she comes tomorrow or not is what I want to know.
【正】What I want to know is whether she comes tomorrow or not.
【正】What I want to know is if she comes tomorrow or not.
【正】Americans were divided on whether the country was better off under Obama.
【誤】Americans devided on if the country was better off under Obama.
【正】Scientists look at whether climate change is causing bigger ocean waves.
【誤】Scientists look at if climate change is causing bigger ocean waves.
【正】This is the key to whether your customer is satisfied with you.
【誤】This is the key to if your customer is satisfied with you.
【正】There are doubts about whether he will come.
【誤】There are doubts about if he will come.
【正】She raised doubts about whether his mother told truth.
【誤】She raised doubts about if his mother told truth.
【正】We discussed whether U.S. troops should stay in Okinawa.
【誤】We discussed if U.S. troops stay in Okinawa.
【正】We need to consider whether we are really solving the problem.
【誤】We need to consider whether we are really solving the problem.
【正】She can't decide whether to marry him.
【誤】She can't decide if to marry him.
【正】She can't decide whether to tell him the truth.
【誤】She can't decide if to tell him the truth.
- ⇒ and, but, or, so
- ⇒ that - 接続詞
- ⇒ whenとwhile
- ⇒ because
- ⇒ as~as…
- ⇒ if
- ⇒ after/before
- ⇒ since/until
- ⇒ than
- ⇒ Immediately you begin to speak, he gives you his full attention.
- ⇒ Robert left whilst the show was still ongoing.